師兄講得好搞笑,亦好有道理,入黎比個like作者: jimwo 時間: 2012-4-8 23:13
我同佢有過一面之緣,胸子大大,眼晴亦大大,很合眼緣,不過近日上去食早餐果陣,都唔見佢作者: lonnew911 時間: 2012-4-14 02:00
Is this Siu Ling is the same as the Siu Ling BEFORE, I tried Siu Ling long time ago, 1year+, SAME, she was very great~~~作者: 59394 時間: 2012-4-15 01:11
Is this Siu Ling is the same as the Siu Ling BEFORE, I tried Siu Ling long time ago, 1year+, SAME, s ...
lonnew911 發表於 2012-4-14 02:00