All thing of title happen on today, the felling as follows :
Just insert in to a cave and not have any good feeling.
Just feeling a fet when extruding breast.
Conclusion: Full of regret on this thing.
This is the first time and last time.作者: 肥佬 時間: 2012-4-8 09:58 拱不如唔好叫鷄LA, 保持你清白GA身驅好LOR作者: rockrock 時間: 2012-4-8 13:17
yes ! that right !作者: 奶油 時間: 2012-4-9 00:55
現今好多人都係咁,以為成個世界跟住佢轉,所以吾使採九佢。作者: 萬事勝 時間: 2012-4-14 02:20
個標題係 第一次易是最後一次做愛同叫雞
師兄以後都唔再做愛嗱?作者: 肥佬 時間: 2012-4-14 20:54