當然,每個人要求有高低之分,感受是沒有一定標準,不過我個人覺得,出來玩,重質不重量=知足常樂!作者: fanyg 時間: 2012-11-7 02:22
同一樣的感覺,服務又無問題,但好像未夠頭入作者: chanjunior 時間: 2012-11-7 06:10
I also have tried Lemon the same day:
- look: a pretty girl, personally feel like 靚版彭丹;
- body: same feeling as Smartchan, 1米65, 小腹有點肉, 約 35C 啡 Lin 感覺唔會覺得佢好肥;
- service: average, not very good but not as bad as mentioned by Smartchan, maybe she was tired that evening;
嗰日我又有中車又比指插, 靚女來說已不錯, 個人很滿意! Will definitely re-eat some day!