Room 3 Yau Mei
Is she the same girl recently working at Kowloon City Road 68A Room D
Big Ball Ip ?
Thanks作者: samng 時間: 2009-5-22 19:26
thanks............作者: 肥安 時間: 2009-5-22 22:40
原帖由 jerso 於 2009-5-22 15:37 發表
Lung Hing
Room 3 Yau Mei
Is she the same girl recently working at Kowloon City Road 68A Room D
Big Ball Ip ?
睇落應該係...不過都係問龍兄好d作者: Dane 時間: 2009-5-22 23:33
Thank you 晒 作者: 喵oo 時間: 2009-5-24 16:34 ...great.....any report?