原帖由 Dane 於 2009-9-22 11:51 發表
表面睇 有3件事 係真嘅 (有發生)
1) 條囡把聲同格 好煩
2) 果條 short-mana啫 .... 有call去 第2間 行 "講野"
3) "第2間行" 真係 做價平D
我作為 消費者 想講一樣野 ...... 某日 我行過 Kln Cit ...
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2009-9-22 13:25 發表
其實個 short manager 都 short, 香港係 free market, 賣乜價都ok, 條女嚴佢貴咪去MK 買, 計埋車錢可能重貴, 點解去YL舖要人地同價賣比姖? 個 short manager 打電話去MK branch 問好正常, 點解條女鬧佢都唔識答, 如果 ...
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2009-9-22 16:06 發表
I think the short manager is too chicken lor! He could refuse the girl to shot his video ga! That girl "inch" him to call police, call 咪 call, 條女大佢, 其實咁拍 video 應該唔得, 或者即刻攞部機鬥 ...
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