原帖由 推油 於 2009-10-14 20:13 發表
龍兄,請問聲我次次上指壓,都比Keeper以為係差人放蛇,小弟亦都每次馬上表露嫖客身份,但係點都係吾信,小弟外貌麻甩,短髮有肚腩,一臉色相,何解次次都被以為差人呢,旺角場睇得最緊,有時仲話冇囡囡,吾X做我生意,我都係想搞 ...
原帖由 肥佬 於 2009-10-15 09:29 發表
推油兄, 你會唔會係有個失散咗唔G GA孖生兄弟係做阿蛇, 仲"COME"過D場, 畀人点佐相, 入佐克名單, 全指压場刀認得佢GA樣, 以為你係佢牙
原帖由 jerso 於 2009-10-15 12:42 發表
they will not ask questions, they will take you to a room and do not give you girl, then you feel no interest and leave
but before you leave, you need t ...
原帖由 jerso 於 2009-10-15 12:42 發表
they will not ask questions, they will take you to a room and do not give you girl, then you feel no interest and leave
but before you leave, you need t ...
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2009-10-15 16:52 發表
No wor, my experience is they ask you to wait first, then after 5 min or so, one man come in and ask where you work, any work permit, then I said I ddidn't have one, he asked where I used to play, I ...
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