
標題: 問美妙 ... CAT 有冇車牌 & 指插 ??? [打印本頁]

作者: boknows    時間: 2010-8-9 15:54
標題: 問美妙 ... CAT 有冇車牌 & 指插 ???
ching CAT 有冇車牌 & 指插 ??? 服務如何 ???
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-9 15:57
美妙阿CAT我就未試過, 佢係我目標之一  

我就唔知佢有冇車牌, 不過睇報告同KEEPER講, 佢服務都唔錯, 應該幾好 指插應該好大機會冇, 所以你預左冇先, 到時如果有, 咁你咪有驚喜

或者你試完, 出番個報告比各CHING參考下

[ 本帖最後由 kelvincyl 於 2010-8-9 16:01 編輯 ]
作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-9 16:19
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作者: topfun    時間: 2010-8-9 16:26
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2010-8-9 16:19 發表
K版主, 我感冒要休戰, 今個星期靠你喇

不過呢樹都有好多新力軍,呀研究生兄應該同呀筒筒纏綿緊 ... mp;page=1#pid204860
作者: jjcc1914    時間: 2010-8-9 16:42
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2010-8-9 16:19 發表
K版主, 我感冒要休戰, 今個星期靠你喇

作者: jjcc1914    時間: 2010-8-9 16:46
原帖由 topfun 於 2010-8-9 16:26 發表

不過呢樹都有好多新力軍,呀研究生兄應該同呀筒筒纏綿緊 ... mp;page=1#pid204860

作者: topfun    時間: 2010-8-9 16:56
原帖由 jjcc1914 於 2010-8-9 16:46 發表


作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-9 17:01
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2010-8-9 16:19 發表
K版主, 我感冒要休戰, 今個星期靠你喇

BALL兄, 咁你休息一下, 等到好番再戰江湖 今個星期我會出埋你個份力
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-9 17:04
原帖由 topfun 於 2010-8-9 16:26 發表

不過呢樹都有好多新力軍,呀研究生兄應該同呀筒筒纏綿緊 ... mp;page=1#pid204860

近排多左新力軍, 真係好, 可以多D報告參考

大學生兄, 同80後兄, 2位後生仔, 有心有力, 黎緊應該仲有大把報告出  
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-9 17:06
原帖由 topfun 於 2010-8-9 16:56 發表


應該比囡囡按得好爽 全身各部位都舒服晒 你今次都係搵番老相好黎食?
作者: topfun    時間: 2010-8-9 17:16
原帖由 kelvincyl 於 2010-8-9 17:06 發表

應該比囡囡按得好爽 全身各部位都舒服晒 你今次都係搵番老相好黎食?

作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-9 17:20
原帖由 topfun 於 2010-8-9 17:16 發表


老相好有FEEL好多, 過程大家零舍投入
作者: monkey68    時間: 2010-8-9 17:22
阿CAT told me last time, no 指插. But she has very good service and she blow very well.
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-9 17:25
原帖由 monkey68 於 2010-8-9 17:22 發表
阿CAT told me last time, no 指插. But she has very good service and she blow very well.

作者: rider    時間: 2010-8-9 18:07
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2010-8-9 16:19 發表
K版主, 我感冒要休戰, 今個星期靠你喇

作者: monkey68    時間: 2010-8-9 21:12
kelvincyl 兄,
No, I didn not wet kiss her. She didn't stay, and I didn't try.
Think about it, why i didn't try.
作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-9 23:25
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作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-9 23:27
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作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-9 23:29
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作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-9 23:31
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作者: 大學研究生    時間: 2010-8-10 04:28
原帖由 topfun 於 2010-8-9 16:26 發表

不過呢樹都有好多新力軍,呀研究生兄應該同呀筒筒纏綿緊 ... mp;page=1#pid204860

hehe 回k版主 下次先桐挏
作者: Hamsup    時間: 2010-8-10 11:17
Hello All C-Hing,

I tried "CAT" few days ago.  Here is my short summary:

Very very tall.:  5'9"
Dark skin
97% looks like 人妖, quite/very scare to people
100% HK girl
100% no tits, flat as airport, most men have bigger breast than her
Long and flat fingers, big/huge feet
Kiss - 100% impossible
No fingering 指插 for sure
Service : Very mechanical, can't say good
Skill :  I give 90/100, excellent blow job, really really deep throat, my dick is about 15cm, she takes it all down to the root, in & out, in & out, that is superb.
Personility :  OK la, typical HK gal, quite cool, no easy to get on with.  But we talk quite a lot.
RE-EAT :  100% NO, 100% negative

This is my personal opinion and experience, please also share your experience if any other brothers tried her.

[ 本帖最後由 Hamsup 於 2010-8-10 20:54 編輯 ]
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-10 14:09

作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-10 21:27
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作者: hoho2010    時間: 2010-8-10 21:48
原帖由 Hamsup 於 2010-8-10 11:17 發表
Hello All C-Hing,

I tried "CAT" few days ago.  Here is my short summary:

Very very tall.:  5'9"
Dark skin
97% looks like 人妖, quite/very scare to people
100% HK girl
100% no tits, flat as a ...

Hamsup ching 咁慘 , 希望下次食到好野啦
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-10 22:14
阿cat樣都唔係咁差, 我覺得唔錯, 而80後兄都見過, 都覺得幾靚, 所以樣真係各人口味唔同
作者: Hamsup    時間: 2010-8-11 15:54
原帖由 kelvincyl 於 2010-8-10 22:14 發表
阿cat樣都唔係咁差, 我覺得唔錯, 而80後兄都見過, 都覺得幾靚, 所以樣真係各人口味唔同

Yes, you are right.  Different have different taste and favourite.  That's why I ask more reports from different C-Hing after trying her.  To me, 100% for sure I wouldn't re-eat.  But it could be something different from the other C-Hing point of view.

I am kinda like "Ball C-Hing", I would perfer;

1st - service
2nd - skill
also 2nd - body shape
4th - face

About ah "CAT" to me, she does not fall into these categories.
作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-11 18:46
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作者: Hamsup    時間: 2010-8-11 20:49
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2010-8-11 18:46 發表

Ham Ching, next time try 小如 or 桐桐, both certified good service by me!!

Thanks Ball Ching, I have tried 桐桐 before, not as good as expected.  Perhaps she was too busy and she was tired, so she just did not bother.  May be I will try 小如, or 秋兒 or 瑩瑩 next time.
作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-11 21:05
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作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-12 09:10
原帖由 Hamsup 於 2010-8-11 15:54 發表

Yes, you are right.  Different have different taste and favourite.  That's why I ask more reports from different C-Hing after trying her.  To me, 100% for sure I wouldn't re-eat.  But it could b ...


1.相頭(第一眼望落順眼都ok, 當然靚就更好 )
2.服務(玩得放同姣, 有feel就更好 )
3.身材(我對身材冇咩要求, ball大唔大都冇所謂 )

不過我都開始改變口味, 將第2位放係首位
作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-12 09:12
原帖由 Hamsup 於 2010-8-11 20:49 發表

Thanks Ball Ching, I have tried 桐桐 before, not as good as expected.  Perhaps she was too busy and she was tired, so she just did not bother.  May be I will try 小如, or 秋兒 or 瑩瑩 next time.

講起桐桐, 我都仲未試到  hamsup兄, 下次試唔到小如, 都可以試下塋瑩, 佢都唔錯
作者: Hamsup    時間: 2010-8-12 13:24
Thanks all C Hings,  I will try my best.

kelvincyl C Hing, glad to hear that you tend to enjoy about the service more.
作者: ballballlover    時間: 2010-8-12 16:35
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作者: kelvincyl    時間: 2010-8-12 17:00
原帖由 ballballlover 於 2010-8-12 16:35 發表
Best looking girls with great body are hotel girls but price double and only 1q.

Finger press is famous for service, hence service rank No. 1

BALL兄講得岩  係香港要食後生樣靚身材正囡囡, 真係酒店囡囡或私鐘先搵到, 不過價錢就好貴, 只得1Q, 而且較錫身, 多禁區

玩得多指壓, 開始明白指壓既賣點係服務, 囡囡通常玩得較放, 只要對囡囡溫柔, 通常都會少禁區, 好多野都玩得, 仲可以限時任做  而樣及年齡係其次, 所以我而家都開始學識享受指壓既賣點, 對樣及年齡既要求減低左, 係冇目標, 隨機選囡囡情況下,只要第一眼望落順眼OK, 唔太差, 都會入閘, 分分鐘入到房後, 過程會有驚喜

[ 本帖最後由 kelvincyl 於 2010-8-12 17:01 編輯 ]
作者: Mingfai0002    時間: 2010-8-18 07:15
指插,車牌, I Like It!

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