a) 差人殺到,西經會先開d唔等使燈,跟住大嗌差人查牌,十零秒後開大燈
b) 囡囡起身,執埋d嘢,返小姐房,差人會叫你哋留喺位,攞身份證出嚟
c) 其間,你梗係優番條褲,坐或企定定
d) 小姐排隊出面驗證,阿SIR 師兄會埋嚟逐個人睇睇,望身份證個樣,俾番你,最多係問你做乜(( 係邊行,唔好答話吹緊簫)
e) 正常十零分鐘攪掂,熄燈,女返,查牌間鐘錢唔計,不過嚇親要十五分鐘先硬番就無得賠!
O I C, thank you thank you so much for your info. But if you say "do 2Q, then mouthcum and finish with handjob", then it will be ...
Clock per hour for each or
Clock per hour for both?
I am giving your question a second thought and think I am not sure which is which
you will be charged for the time each girl spends,
that is, if girl A and B both come same time, and both sit for one hour with you
you pay 2 hours of clock money although you only have one cock