I visit Spain Ballroom once a week and become regular there. However, nothing much to report owing to the procedure is more or less the same except this legend woman Wing Lan. Spain ballroom is a good place for fast food especially during lunch hours, I used to travel from TST and Prince Edward during lunch time, skip the real lunch and go there for a fast food instead. Let me tell you guys one secret, a few women there would agree to play with you at motel after or before work, or even spend overnight with you. It is not convenient for me to disclose their names here but you guys can try to explore if you wish to date them out for a shot. To have fun with them at the motel, you can be more relax and view their face as well as body clearly.
I visit Spain Ballroom once a week and become regular there. However, nothing much to report owing to the procedure is more or less the same except this legend w ...
我就從來都水流柴 water under the bridge,連電話都唔留