DJ Johnny 兄,我非常認同及欣賞你哋旣生意手法,有忠誠旣服務態度,實事求事,有碗話碗,有碟話碟。這才是赢得好商譽的正確做法。況且市場上真的有不同的需求,我也聽過有人喜歡大肥妹,又有人喜歡超熟女,各有所好。無謂的謊話讚d客冇下次,又做臭個躲。我都有一段時間冇上美妙了,我看要揾日去拜會吓 DJ 兄,揾絛女大戰一番幫襯吓。
回復 Hamsup
THx~~ Hamsup 兄 i am kenny lol
方便的話.打過電話上嚟BOOK定心頭好...上嚟記得通知聲T ...
美妙 發表於 2011-11-11 00:04
Oh, I am super sorry, Kenny Hing. I will certainly call you once I am available to come. By the way, what is your working hours? Just make sure I won't miss to see you when I come next time.
回復 96#Hamsup
hello hamsup hing
Please dont mind about that , this week I will be 10 am to 11 pm, hope to see you, Your grammar very well, I'm just little knowledge of twelve words. dont kidding me ok ? FRIEND