來自: mingmingchu 標題: 網站內之誹謗性言論
本公司發現有人在 貴公司討論區發放誹謗性言論,事件已交由律師及警方處理,本公司對商業競爭對手利用互聯網發表虛假言論刻意造謠,深表遺憾,所有誹謗性言論必會訴諸法律行動,請 貴公司3日內將有關誹謗性言論刪除。
Date: 12th September 2009
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Re: Defamatory Statement(s) at the website(s) at
http://www.hk148forum.com/redire ... amp;goto=nextoldset
Your member(s) has/have deliberately posted some adverse comments against us in the above website(s) address.
We hereby categorically deny the matters described in the articles as they are without ground and are further from the truth. The articles have drawn adverse allegations against our business and goodwill. As a matter of fact, the contents have already amounted to an actionable Internet defamation offence.
We take the view that the statements contain serious false accusations on the reputation of us and constitute serious breach of the statutory provisions under the Defamation Ordinance (Cap. 21), under which your company is liable to criminal sanctions. Under the circumstances, please treat this letter as a WARNING NOTICE that unless your company deleted the said statement from the website on or before 12th September 2009, legal proceedings shall be commenced against your company for recovery of all loss and damages suffered by us without further notice.
Should you have any question(s), please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Theresa Chung of our company's Legal Department on 35886416.
Perfect Shape (Holdings) Limited
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